Galaxy Shooter

This game was built following the Udemy course: The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity 2019, it´s a great course if you want to start to build and understand how Unity 3d works, in my case I bought a time ago but i din´t start it, in addition i have to say that the explanation and the content of this course is very good I totally recommend it.

I was doing some games before that you can find in my page, they are not the best ones but they are games xD.


I made some additional changes like:

  1. The way that the object are spawned:
    1. The asteroids are just falling.
    2. Enemies try to move to your position firing red lasers.
    3. PowerUps are moving around.
  2. Some difficulty levels
    1. Stage 1: Just asteroids falling
    2. Stage 2 : Enemies moving and firing to your last position.
    3. Stage 3: Enemies with powers.
    4. Stage 4 and 5: Doesn´t exists but I´ll create it in the future.
  3. Main screen with buttons:
    1. Play 
    2. High Score (Yes you can save your score)
    3. Credits.
  4. Additional sounds.
  5. Small UI changes.


  1. Movement: Arrows or WASD
  2. Shoot: Space bar.
  3. Escape (Esc Key): to close the High score and credits screens.

I hope that you can enjoy it.

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